State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

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 All-Ukrainian Population Census' 2001
Regions of Ukraine
Legislative base
 / Main page / Results / Nationality and citizenship / The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue / Selection
Page 6  из  6
Permanent population
The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
Total population
Both sexes
Nationality Total including those who
indicate their native language
language their
Ukrainian Rusianian Other
Chuvans 226 36 16 160 14
Chuvashs10593 2268 564 7636 28
Chukchi30 3 2 24 1
Swedes188 32 122 28 6
Shors 33 3 1 28 1
Yucagiris 12 2 - 6 1
Yakuts 304 56 47 198 3
Japanese 44 21 4 18 1
other nationality 3228 1027 144 790 1129
not specified188639 - 1108 1844 2769
Pages: 1    2    3    4    5    6    

укр рус eng

   In the chapter:

 The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by citizenship and age
 The distribution of the population most numerous nationalities by sex and age
 The distribution of the citizens of other countries and persons without citizenship by nationality and sex
 The distribution of the persons of ethnographic groups by mother tongue
 The distribution of the population by nationality and language except mother tongue

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© 2003-2004, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine